We invite you to participate in our activities and to experience the love of Jesus with us. Church membership is not required to be involved in ministry.
Serving Others
We believe that sharing the love of Jesus must involve tangible acts of mercy and service to those who need help and encouragement as we join Jesus in his ongoing ministry today fulfilling the Father’s mission through the Spirit. Among other things, we participate in:
- Hosting Good News Clubs in local elementary schools each week
- Racial reconciliation outreach, which most recently included bringing Office of Reconciliation and Spiritual Mediation international director Curtis May to Florissant in October to address the causes and extent of racism and ways in which police departments may improve relations and trust between them with the communities they serve.
- Outreach to the homeless in the St. Louis community by active participation in Ferguson Adopt a Block.
- Operation Christmas Child
- We are in the beginning stages of mentoring and tutoring elementary students in the Ferguson-Florissant School District.
Racial Reconciliation
Since 2003 New Creation in Christ has served as a chapter of the Office of Reconciliation and Mediation. ORM’s mission is: “To respond to situations of racial or ethnic tension and to help build lasting, harmonious and accepting relationships.” We are actively involved in efforts throughout the St. Louis community to expand the Kingdom of God through greater unity among all people as we have opportunity. We are committed to the Ferguson Declaration and look forward to working with reconcilers in the area to tear down walls that divide people and instead to build bridges to deeper, lasting relationships. Contact us if you desire to learn more about strengthening relationships across racial, gender or generational lines so that we all might experience the peace, love and joy that comes through true unity with one another.
Men’s Ministry
Tree of Life men’s ministry is dedicated to helping men reach their full potential in Jesus Christ through service to others and developing relationships with brothers of all ages. Men are welcome to participate in ongoing visitation of prisoners, homeless and the home bound as well as monthly meetings for mutual encouragement.
Prayer Ministry
We are a congregation long rooted in prayerful dependence upon the Father, Son & Spirit to lead and provide for us. It is wonderful to see people of all ages coming together to share in Jesus’ ministry of intercession and to experience the power of God in answer to prayer.
- Bring your cares and those of your loved ones and let us join you along with Jesus in prayer, through the Spirit, to our Father who delights in the requests of his children. Leave a request on our prayer page so we may know how we can pray for you in detail.
- Elders are available to anoint and pray for the sick as instructed in James 5 during our communion services the first and third Sundays and at any time as the need arises.
- Additionally, a trained team of men and women are willing to lead you through transformational prayer to invite our loving Father, in the Holy Spirit and through Jesus the Son to meet you at your point of need to provide the breakthrough you seek in longstanding or especially painful issues. Let us pray with you and for you for our loving Triune God to bring inner healing and transformation.
In addition to these collective ministries, a number of members are involved in various other means of sharing the love of Jesus. If you have a need, please let us know. We would love to join Jesus in joyfully serving you.